Sunday, February 20, 2011

Court Of Honor 2011

Troop 1411 Court of Honor February 18, 2011

Our first annual Court of Honor was held at the home of Robert & Kareena Mullens. We like to thank the following people for making this a successful event. Donna Bernelle for a wonderful presentation for Friends of Scouting. Our Scoutmaster John for the wonderful and delicious food and desert. The Mullens for sharing their home with us. And to all the scout parents and their families for their continuing support. With out you we would not have the great success we have now. We are a family and I personnally have enjoyed it, and can't wait see what the New Year brings.
ASM Pat Knight.

Town Meeting 2-17-2011

Representative Dan Huberty, Henry G. Asst. Engineer of TXDOT and Slyvester Halls a Traffic Engineer of TXDOT was available to answer all questions concerning the overpass being built in Crosby.
Many concerned citizens of Crosby in line to ask their questions.

Eric waiting for the Representatives at the Town Meeting.
This will complete Question 4 A-C of Citizen of the Community.