Wednesday, September 21, 2011

John Tomas Whiffen earns his 2nd Class Rank

September 20, 2011
On this day John was awarded his 2nd Class Rank!
Way to go JT.

Troop Meeting 9-20-2011

Place: Andersons
Time: 6:30PM
Attendance: Travis,JT,Jonathon,Eric,Ean & Jacob.
Parents: Tammy, Pat, Eric, Connie, Dana, Dayle, Alex & John.

After openning meeting Senior Patrol leader JT went over with the rest of the Troop all the information needed for this coming Saturdays Hike at Mercer.
After that JT demonstrated to our newer scouts how to tie knots to earn thier Tenderfoot Rank.
Ean, Travis, Eric and guest Daniel went over First aid and discuss what they may incounter on this 5 mile hike.
Closing meeting was at 8:30 PM.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Troop 1411 in Flag Ceremony for Openning Day of Little League Football 2011!

On August 27, 2011. Troop 1411 was asked for the second time to do the honors of Flag Detail for the Little League Football of Crosby. It was an honor for the Troop 1411 to do so.
Well Job Done!

Eric Completes Final requirement for Citizenship of the Community

Eric Knight Jr earns his Citizenship Of the Community Merit Badge.
Scoutmaster John awards Eric Jr. with Eric Srs. merit badge that he earned when he was a Boyscout.

Eric Jrs Photo Exhibit of Crosby, Texas was the final requiremnet.It was a long process. Eric Jr has been working on this Merit badge since June 2010. He currently has been working on the Citizenship of the Nation and World since June 2010, but still has work ahead of him to complete these merit badges.

Job well done! Congratulation Eric!

Monday, August 29, 2011

John T. Whiffen earns his 2nd Class Rank

Congratulations to JT for earning his 2nd Class Rank tonight on this day of August 29, 2011.

Great job!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Troop Meeting Notes 8/01/2011

A date has been set for August 8, 2011 at the Andersons home at 6:30 PM.
During summer camp Troop 1411 were introduced to Geocaching. This is just a continuation to complete requirements for this merit badge.
If you have a geocaching GPS please bring it.

Also our next Troop Meeting in on August 29, 2011.
At the Andersons , 6:30PM.
Board of review
Discuss and set up future campouts and Hiking trips.
Go over any informaton we discussed on 8/01/2011 about getting Troop 1411 a sponsor.
Starting in September meetings will be held on Tuesday. Dates to be set at this meeting.

Thanks for your support!

Merit Badge Awarded! 8/01/2011

Eric K. was awarded his Gardening & Reading Badge tonight!
Good Job Eric!

2nd Class Rank Awarded Tonight! 8/01/2011

Travis A and Eric K. both recieved their 2nd Class Rank !
David M. also earned his 2nd class rank, but was not in attendance :(
Congratulation! Well Done!

Troop Prepares for Lake Livingston Camp Out

At tonights meeting 8/01/2011: The menu for this weekend campout was presented to Scoutmaster John for his approval. Travel arrangemnets made and the following boys will be as followed.
Mr Eric- Eric , JT and Trevor.
Mr. Pena- Jacob & Travis. Guest : Alex P and Daniel P will also be attending campout.

What to bring :
3 shirts
1 long pant
2 shorts
1 swim trunks
4 socks
4 undies ( more opt)
Shoes( for hiking)
Swim shoes (for canoeing)
Towel (2 small)
Flashlight with new batteries.
off / sunscreen
Medications as needed.
Watch (water proof)
Sleeping bag w/pillow all in one plastic bag
brush / comb
Bag to keep dirty clothes in.

All this must fit in a large backpack.
Absolutely no electronics!

Troop Meeting : August Elections Held

Tonights meeting was held on August 1, 2011 at The Andersons home.
Elections were held and the following possitions were placed.

John Tomas Whiffen - Senior Patrol Leader (Cobra)
Cobra Patrol Leader Eric Knight
Cobra Patrol - Ean Lassiegne remains Quartermaster
Cobra Patrol - Quentin

Eagle patrol leader- Travis Anderson
Eagle Patrol- Jacob Pena - Scribe
Eagle patrol - Jonathan - Chaplains Aide
Eagle patrol - David
Eagle patrol- Trevor Poeling - Historian

Friday, July 22, 2011

Eric completes requirement 7-ABC of Citizenship of the Community.

Volunteering at C.U.I.C. was a great experience.

Helping side by side with Eric and the other volunteers was very humbling to me.

I really enjoyed helping. As for Eric Jr. His experience was different. He finally did get the swing of things, but did not fully undersatnd the why he was there part. After hours of trying to convince him what he was doing was a good thing. He shrugged his shoulder and said okay. Great Job Eric! Volunteering in our community is very important. Thanks to Ms. Kay for allowing Eric to complete his over more than 8 hours of community service at CUIC.

Pat Knight ASM

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eric completes Requirements for his Art Merit Badge

Under the supervision of Ms.Pena, Eric was able to create some interesting Art work.
Eric also attended a workshop given by Ms Pena and display his work along with other Crosbians of ages 12 and below in an Art Exhibit given at the Crosby Community Center on June 30, 2011 Great Job!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting ready for Summer Camp--

Wow what a meeting we had last night!!!!
First off we now have two patrols
Patrol 1






Patrol 2
Before the next meeting on August first, they need to come prepared to say what position they would like to hold in the troop.
To see a list of positions and their responsibilies, click here
We will have a vote after each member presents why they want the position.
In the even of a tie (say three people want to be bugler) please have a backup that you'd like to do.
These positions will be held for 6-9 months.
Each Patrol will need a patrol leader and we will need one Senior Patrol Leader.
OK so now on to summer camp.
On Sunday, be at Kareena's house at 8:00
Pack light! Refer to the paper handed out on what is needed. The only item listed as optional that they HAVE to bring is their Scout Book. They will be passing off skills for ranks and we need to sign the book when it's done. Put it in a Big baggie, to help keep it safe
The Camp is in Fischer texas, outside of San Marcos and Wimberly, it's about 206 miles away.
We need to be there at one to check in.
Please Have the boys bring a big lunch to eat in the car, Since Miss Kareena is driving, she's not as generous as Mr. John --so bring your own food!!! LOL
We will be home on Saturday around noon.
For August Campout 8/5-8/7
The following boys are preparing and purchasing food for themselves and four people for Saturday's meals, to satisfy their first class rank requirements.
Two items must be cooked items
They need to make a shopping list, set a budget and stick to it. They need to pay for the food, put it in coolers and by the next meeting present a list of of equipment that they will need to cook. They will also be in charge of making sure the items are cooked, which means they supervise their patrol in the preparation and clean up.
JT will have the honor of cooking for the leaders -- but he'll still be supervising a kitchen
At the next meeting we will create a duty roster for this campout, so everyone has a chance to help and David isn't hogging the dishwashing, since he loves it so much.
For friday's meal, they boys need to have packed a foil dinner and bring it with them, and then for Sunday's Breakfast it will be poptarts, muffins etc things that dont' need cooked, so it's easier to get packed and home. This worked out great at the last campout, the kitchen was packed after the Saturday Evening Meal.
We are looking forward to summer camp and August Camping at lake livingston, as well as seeing what new positions we will have on August First!
Go Troop 1411

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Citizenship Badge-In Austin

My parents live in Austin so we took the opportunity to visit the legislature while we were there. The building is really beautiful and we had a fun tour. This completed a part of the Citizenship in the nation badge. While we were there we met with a member of State Senator Tommy Williams staff and discussed how to be involved in politics, completing a part of the first class rank and not to be outdone, we sat in on a Hearing for SB 29 which covers groping by TSA officers at the airports, and after the boys write a letter about their feeling on that issue they'll have a part of their Citizenship in the Community knocked out. It was an educational four hours.
There was a neat display of all the medal of honor recipients from Texas.
This is the picture and bio of Crosby's Own David Mcnerny.
Quentin took pictures of the information on how one earns this honor.
This is Rita Cook, a staffer in the Senators office.
She told us Senator Williams is an eagle scout, A&M Alumni and a CPA.
He is chairman of the Transportation and Homeland Security Comitee
This is the hearing for SB 29, the author is Dan Patrick from Houston.
Tommy Williams is in the center, he's the chairman
This guy was real friendly. He's a chef for the Luitenant Governor's reception hall.
He explained that Texas is the only state to House people in the capitol.
Currently only the Speaker of the house resides there.
He showed us different antiques, none are originals because the room burned up in 1983
And the Senate floor, where the magic happens.
Apparently it happens on a different timeline, because they were to convene at noon.
We waited until 12:45 and then we broke for lunch.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Troop Meeting June 20th

Tonight Scoutmaster John taught the boys how to sharpen an axe, hatchet, saw and knife.
They also made kindling.
Too bad we're under a burn ban.
Everyone participated and everyone was passed off on the first class skill.
Jon Beliek was absent tonight.
Jeffrey McCue joined our troop. He's a buddy of Quentin's from Galena Park

And this is Cool Hand Brett McCue-
He's working on his eagle project and came to talk to our boys to see who can help.
The project is on Saturday at 7 am.
Come ready for hard work.
14404 Kemrock Dr. Houston TX 77049

Eric was awarded his Family Life Merit Badge

Jacob, Ean, Travis, David and Quentin
received their Vetrinary Merit Badge.
Look at David's sash, his cool mom sewed all the badges on the back.
David, Ean and Travis all had their Scoutmaster Conference for their Second Class Rank.
They spoke to Mr. Dayle about getting a board of review together for our next troop meeting.
Soon they'll be Second Class Scouts!
It was a great meeting!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Working on the Citizenship Badge!

Aftere David and Quentin went to Football camp, we stayed after at A&M and visited the George Bush Library to work on the Citizenship in the nation merit badge. It's a place of historical signifigance because it holds the papers of the 41st president and it's the only presidential library that has TWO Vice President's papers; for Dan Quayle and George Bush when he was VP to President Reagan.
We learned alot. The following pictures have captions writeen by David and Quentin themselves, I'm not responsible for the content!
viewer diesction is advised(not really)
we learned a lot in the oval office
one thing was that it wasnt a bathroom!
this was actualy the situation room.

he had a camp name just like mine!lol rofl :)

behind the scenes there was video game that powned quinton!lol rofl :)

thats what he said after killin nazis yeahhhhhh!!!!!!zombie ones comment
if u love nazi zombies!!!!rofl

this map is on dlc for black ops!!

yeah george bush was funny.rofl

quentin being

"i need a defibulator here!!!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eric Completes his Gardening Merit Badge

Mercer Arboretum & Botanical Gardens. A must see place for all ages.
This completes Erics last requirement for the Gardening Badge. Great Job Eric!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Troop Meeting June 6, 2011

Place: The Andersons
Time: 6:30
Attendance: Travis A., Ean L., Jacob P., Eric K., & John B..
Adults: John, Pat, Robert P. Dana & Dayle A. & Tammy B.

Planned next 2 meetings & future camp outs. No camp outs schedualed for the month of June 2011.
June 20, 2011- Requirement 3c of Second class rank.
July 11, 2011-Plan for Summer camp.
Possible weekend camp out August 5-7, 2011. Robert Pena is adult leader for this campout. TBD.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oops All berries

I forgot David's Award!
After a little reeducation, GITMO style, by his mom..
David got the
"Most Imporved Dishwasher award"
Pictured above he now loves the dishwashing and he excels at the skill.
Yay David!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Village Creek State Park Two Nighter

Village Creek State Park is about 70 miles east of Crosby in the Big Thicket National Forest.
Even though the camp was at capacity, it doesn't have very many sites, so it wasn't real crowded, especially for a holiday weekend.
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs Anderson for driving the boys out there.
We arrived at about 7:00 and still had plenty of light to set up tents.
Pictured Below is Jacob, who not only satisfied a tenderfoot requirement but also managed to earn the coveted, "Best Snack"award
For his delicious grilled corn. This kept the natives from starving while they awaited their dinners.
Campers were treated to a choice, either Frito Pie, which earned Ean Lasseigne the
"Best Dinner award"
Or hot dogs cooked in an unique manner by Travis
Here is a picture of our a
"Cleanest Camper"
Which was awarded to Quentin, the only scout to take a shower. Everyone else felt clean enough after swimming in the pristine waters of Village Creek.
Pictured here is the winner of our
"Best use of water guns"
Travis Anderson
Travis, who has never met a stranger, quickly borrowed a water gun from one of the other campers and swimmers. Much enjoyment ensued!
We quickly made friends with Krissy Sue and Sadie, two charming Boxers who just wanted to play fetch.
I wasn't able to score a photo release from them, so they are not pictured.
Some of the highlights were the hike! We didn't even need to call Miss Alex to rescue us or break out the GPS, Jacob led the hike using the map and we made the approximate 1.5 mile hike from camp to the river to splash around and then 1.5 miles back. The trail was beautiful and completly shaded.
The other cool thing is that jacob stumbled upon a A Geocache site! It turns out that even if you aren't looking for it and you find it you still get to claim something.
They donated a feather and a sonic drink token to the cache and signed their names,
Now they are all excited to start on their geocache merit badge.
So Jacob and Quentin under the close supervision of David and Travis helped to make the dinner meal on Saturday, which was spaghetti and Chicken and rice.
Ean, David and Travis completed their first class requiremtnst to plan a patrol food for breakfast, lunch and dinner with at least two meals that were cooked. They purchased the food and transported it too and made sure we had the proper gear to cook it in!
David and Ean both chose pancakes and bacon for breakfast on Saturday.
David chose chicken and rice and Travis chose Spaghetti for Saturday night.
They all three Chose Sandwiches for lunch.
Ean chose Frito Pie for dinner on Friday, Travis chose Hot dogs for Dinner on Friday.
Travis and David provided a cook free breakfast on Sunday of granola bars, muffins and pop tarts. They enjoyed cookind and supervising their underling Tenderfoot scouts!
Sunday Morning the Penas got there early and we loaded up and were gone by 9:21 am.
But not before we had a special Sunday Service led by David Mullens
He read the story of creation and we talked about our favorite parts of Nature and ended with a prayer.
We can't wait for the next outing!