Sunday, April 29, 2012

April Campout 2012

2012 Troop 1411- Left to Right
Eric K, Jacob P., Travis A., Ean L., John W., Jonathan B. squatting is Trevor P.
(not pictured Quentin & David M.)
At this camp out the scouts set up the camp site , prepared the meals and learned about lashings and there usefulness. Later that evening a camp fire was made by the boys. Everyone sat around the campfire eating cobbler and enjoying the cool night air. Bed time was at 10 PM and there were no complaints on that.
Great Fun and Great Leadership!
SM Lassiegne and Mr. Knight were in attendance.
Thanks to Gwen and Kenny for their use of their very own private camp ground and Pond!
You Rock!

Monday, April 23, 2012

On April 9, 2012

Congratulations to John Whiffen for earning his 1st Class rank!

On April 22, 2012
Eric Knight completed his last requirements for the Physical Fitness Merit Badge.