Wow what a meeting we had last night!!!!
First off we now have two patrols
Patrol 1
Patrol 2
Before the next meeting on August first, they need to come prepared to say what position they would like to hold in the troop.
To see a list of positions and their responsibilies, click
here We will have a vote after each member presents why they want the position.
In the even of a tie (say three people want to be bugler) please have a backup that you'd like to do.
These positions will be held for 6-9 months.
Each Patrol will need a patrol leader and we will need one Senior Patrol Leader.
OK so now on to summer camp.
On Sunday, be at Kareena's house at 8:00
Pack light! Refer to the paper handed out on what is needed. The only item listed as optional that they HAVE to bring is their Scout Book. They will be passing off skills for ranks and we need to sign the book when it's done. Put it in a Big baggie, to help keep it safe
The Camp is in Fischer texas, outside of San Marcos and Wimberly, it's about 206 miles away.
We need to be there at one to check in.
Please Have the boys bring a big lunch to eat in the car, Since Miss Kareena is driving, she's not as generous as Mr. John --so bring your own food!!! LOL
We will be home on Saturday around noon.
For August Campout 8/5-8/7
The following boys are preparing and purchasing food for themselves and four people for Saturday's meals, to satisfy their first class rank requirements.
Two items must be cooked items
They need to make a shopping list, set a budget and stick to it. They need to pay for the food, put it in coolers and by the next meeting present a list of of equipment that they will need to cook. They will also be in charge of making sure the items are cooked, which means they supervise their patrol in the preparation and clean up.
JT will have the honor of cooking for the leaders -- but he'll still be supervising a kitchen
At the next meeting we will create a duty roster for this campout, so everyone has a chance to help and David isn't hogging the dishwashing, since he loves it so much.
For friday's meal, they boys need to have packed a foil dinner and bring it with them, and then for Sunday's Breakfast it will be poptarts, muffins etc things that dont' need cooked, so it's easier to get packed and home. This worked out great at the last campout, the kitchen was packed after the Saturday Evening Meal.
We are looking forward to summer camp and August Camping at lake livingston, as well as seeing what new positions we will have on August First!
Go Troop 1411