Septmeber 27- Troop meeting at the Andersons- Be there to plan the next two campouts.
Also we will need a commitment to winter camp. We have to know that night, not later no exceptions- THANKS
September first- Friday night we will camp with Pack 264. They will have the gate open from 6-7 to come in. Eat before you come, we'll plan for something light, but make sure the boys have something in their tum tums.
We will be done around noon the next day. The boys need to bring appropriae hiking clothes, water containers for hte hike, their ropes and string to teach how to whip and fuse a rope for the webelos.
October 8-10 Shac Jam- John will take Travis Trevor and Ean, Eric (THE BIG GUY) will take JT David and Lil Eric.
October 18 - Troop Meeting to sell Halloween INsurance
NOvember-1 Troop meeting at the Andersons
Novmebr 14-15 Campout at Lake Charlotte in Anuhuac
December 6- Troop Meeting
TBA Troop Service project picking up trash on Grace Lane.